I'm back, for the time being. It was a very busy week and I've been a bit under the weather. Feeling better, but it's going to be a long road again to recovery. You see, I have Ulcerative Colitis. I've been in remission for almost three years. But in the early summer I had a kidney infection and I had to take Cipro for it. It cleared the kidney infection, but I had a flare up in the process. So back on all sorts of meds and missed quiet a few days of work in the process. Nearly ended up in the hospital a few times, but begged not to be admitted. But I'm doing much better and on the mend. Thank goodness!
Now on a good note, in the process of trying to get well and being on a special diet, I ended up loosing 33 pounds. Still on track with the diet and hope to be able to report more by the end of the week.

I did manage to get some new things made while I was sick. I've listed a few recently and this is one of them. I named this one, "HANIA" it's from the Hopi Native American tribe meaning "spirit warrior." The Hopi Tribe live in north central Arizona. These earrings have a southwest flare to them. Hope you all enjoy them. Just click on the picture and it will take you to the listing.
Hope you all have a great week.
God Bless~
these are very pretty and powerful... i am sorry about the uc... my daughter was just diagnosed with crohn's a few months ago and she is having a rough time right now while we try to get symptoms under control... hope each day is better than the last...
Donna - I'm hoping you'll feel better very soon. And the weight loss - well, yay for you!
Thank you Marie and Vicki.
Marie, I'm sorry to hear about yoru daughter. It is hard to live with, but once she gets a hold of it and knows what she can and cannot eat, she'll be fine. The meds will help tremendously. It just takes so much out of you when a flare up is happening. There are support groups for Crohn's. She should look into those. They are very helpful.
Vicki, thanks on the weight loss. I'm working on it. :)
The earrings are beautiful! Glad you are feeling better Donna. I know it's got to be hard to deal with! Just remember to take care and don't over do it! Make Greg help you!
Hania is beautiful Donna!
Thank you Cindy and Susmitha.
Cindy, Greg is doing a lot to help, he knows what I go through and we just take it day by day.
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