First off, we had a wonderful holiday. I hope you all did too. We stayed home for Christmas. Had a great celebration with our family. Then for New Years we went to San Diego. Only the Sunday after Christmas, one of my patients shared with me. I got an upper respiratory virus. We went anyways to visit our daughter and her family. Part of their family was getting over being sick and the other half we just coming down with the same thing. Only the day after arriving in San Diego, I got really sick. We had a great time with the kids, but came home a day early because of being so sick. That was six to seven weeks ago, I'm still coughing. I think I had pneumonia. I was miserable! But on the mend now.
Then to top off all the confusion, we opened another business in town here. Man, I work all day at the doctor's office, then run to my other office to meet with clients. Then rush home to make jewelry! When do I sleep??? Haven't figured that part out yet. LOL! I'm working on it.
We opened a weight control center. I so believe in the program that I've been on that I've decided to jump in and do this. My boss supports me 100% and send a lot of our patients to me for counseling. I've even gotten my husband on the program. He was an our of control diabetic by his own choosing! But he decided to do the diet. He's lowered the amount of insulin he takes to almost nothing and has lost almost 20 pounds in the process. This is AWESOME!!!! His sugars are very well in control now. First time in about 8 years! I can't complain at all. I'm very proud of him. He's worked hard at this and it's paying off! I've lost 68 pounds now and keeping it off has never been so easy! I just love this program. It's called Ideal Protein, it's soy protein, a whole lot easier on your body. It works for us, and that's why we decided to start a program for others. I'll include my before and after pictures here. I still have about 10 more pounds to go and hoping I can get that off in the next few weeks.

This was last summer with both my daughter while we were all in San Diego. I won't tell you all what I weighed there, but it was the most I've ever weighed! This was the other night after the lost of 68 pounds. I'm wearing those same brown pants which just fall off of me now. This diet works!
Hope you all have a great week!
You look FANTASTIC Donna!!! Congrats to you and your husband! I'm so proud of him too :)
You look absolutely fabulous Donna! The diet sounds great! :)
Thank you so much Nath and Sus. I couldn't have done it without all your encouragement!
You look great Donna! Congratulations on doing so well with this! You are and awesome lady!
You look even more gorgeous now Donna. Congrats on all that weight loss!
Congrats on the weight loss. I too have lost and feel so much better for it. I did Weight Watchers and am now a lifetime member with the lost of 35 pounds. Hurrraayy for us.
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